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Code of Ethics

Students are required to uphold and apply the Code of Ethics at all institutional levels, especially during representation.


Each student is obliged to maintain honest and respectful conduct in all situations, whether spoken or written. This includes providing accurate information on applications, forms, and official documents.


Furthermore, students are expected to exhibit courtesy towards administrative and faculty members, as well as office staff, peers, and visitors within the college premises. This respectful demeanor should also be observed during off-campus events where students represent the institution. Deliberate misrepresentation is strictly prohibited.

Academic Integrity


Students are held to the highest standards of academic honesty. Any work not originating from the student will not be credited. If unsure about these standards, consultation with instructors or mentors is recommended; claiming ignorance does not excuse academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty encompasses lying, cheating, stealing, and unauthorized material use during assignments, quizzes, or exams.


Lying: Deliberately providing false information to mislead is unacceptable, both in academic and non-academic contexts.


Cheating: Gaining an unfair advantage through unauthorized aids during assignments, quizzes, or exams is considered dishonest. Students must adhere to faculty guidelines on acceptable materials, with non-compliance subject to appropriate discipline.


Stealing: Unauthorized taking of property without intent to return is prohibited, encompassing all types of property and work. Proper citation of sources is mandatory to avoid plagiarism.

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