On 01-02-2024, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rural Engineering College,Hulkoti organized a one-day workshop titled “Insights of Cybersecurity and Career Opportunities.” The workshop was led by Mr. Anoop Mutalik Desai, a Cybersecurity Analyst at Dlithe in Bengaluru, and was coordinated by Dr. S H Angadi, the Head of the Department ,CSE.

An image snapped following the conclusion of the session.
An image snapped following the conclusion of the session.

During the workshop, Mr. Anoop provided a comprehensive explanation of the significance of gaining insights into Cyber Security. He emphasized the importance of understanding various aspects such as Protection Against Cyber Threats, Risk Mitigation, Data Privacy and Compliance, and Technological Advancements. Additionally, he shed light on the numerous job opportunities available in the field of cyber security. These include roles such as Cyber Security Analyst, Security Consultant, Incident Responder, Penetration Tester, Security Engineer, Security Architect, and Security Auditor. Mr. Anoop also elaborated on the responsibilities and duties associated with each role, as well as the corresponding salary ranges for these positions. Furthermore, he discussed the practical applications of Cyber Security Insights, such as Business Protection, Critical Infrastructure Security, Financial Sector Security, Healthcare Data Protection, Government and Defense, Cloud Security, and Internet of Things (IoT) Security.

The resource person Mr. Anoop Mutalik Desai shared valuable knowledge during the workshop, which was attended by both staff and students in their pre-final years, enabling them to benefit from it.